Fast Action Alerts 3/07/2021

BILL ALERTS for people who are short on time.

Use “My Bill Positions” in the RTS sidebar menu to give these bills a thumbs-up or thumbs-down:


HB2533 – SUPPORT – Would appropriate $100,000 and one full-time employee position to the Office of the Governor to hire a statewide Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator to implement a statewide ADA plan. Supported by the Arizona Public Health Association and Arizona Association of Providers for People with Disabilities.


SB1174 – SUPPORT – Would appropriate $2 million to the Arizona Commerce Authority to provide matching monies for stipends for high school, college, and university students and for K-12 teachers who participate in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) internships.

HB2824 – SUPPORT – Would expand Arizona’s adult education program, allowing students to co-enroll in a GED program and community college industrial credentialing or associate’s degree, helping to eliminate the state’s 2,000 to 3,000-person GED waitlist. Supported by the Arizona Department of Education and the Arizona Community College Coordinating Council.


HB2622 – SUPPORT – Would help to improve the quality of healthcare by prohibiting third-party contractors of healthcare institutions from taking retaliatory action against healthcare professionals who in good faith make a report concerning an activity, police, or practice posing a substantial risk to a patient’s health, safety, or welfare. Supported by the Arizona Medical Association and Arizona Academy of Family Physicians, among other healthcare associations and providers.

HB2770 – OPPOSE – Would undermine public health efforts to prevent and control the spread of communicable diseases, including COVID-19, by exempting businesses from enforcing state, county, city, town, and other jurisdictions mask mandates.

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