(Yes, we just said that.) The Governor VETOED the Tax Conformity Bill on Friday. This means that state taxes will not be reduced by around $200 million per year to conform to the 2017 Federal Tax Cut bill. Rather than just making technical changes to conform the Arizona tax code, the Republicans in the legislature slipped in a tax cut. This money would have gone to the richest Arizona taxpayers but now can be used for Education and other critically needed efforts.
Contact Governor Ducey:
- Go to AZGOVERNOR.GOV and complete E-mail form, or
- Call 602-542-4331 and tell Gov Ducey thanks
Calls to Action for the Coming Week
USE RTS (Request to Speak) or contact your legislators
SB1173 – Support the effort to continue to provide child care assistance to those receiving it even if they enroll in further educational programs.
HB2125 – Support the effort to draw $56 million of Federal child care assistance. Funds available to Arizona at NO COST.
SB1188 – Oppose the effort to purge the Permanent Early Voting list of anyone who has not voted in the last two elections. Blatantly designed to disenfranchise voters.
HB2266 – Oppose the effort to make it harder for prisoners to take advantage of transition programs to help them return to a positive lifestyle and reduce incarceration rates in Arizona.
Want to learn how to use the easiest lobbying tool ever — Request to Speak? We have a training session scheduled on Sunday February 10. If you have been to a training session but have some questions now that you’ve been using RTS, come to the office hours at the same time: 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Learn more about the politics of the Arizona Legislature and this year’s Session in particular — Watch the video of our latest Democratic Political Action Meeting: