Fast Actions (State Legislature)

February 28, 2021

BILL ALERTS for people who are short on time.

Use “My Bill Positions” in the RTS side bar menu to give these bills a thumbs-up:


HB2410 – SUPPORT – Would help prevent the injury and death of newborns and infants by increasing the age of infants who qualify under safe haven placement protocols from up to 72-hours to up to 30-days-old. Supporters include the Arizona Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Arizona Chapter of the American Nurses Association, Professional Firefighters of Arizona, and the Children’s Action Alliance.


HB2489 – SUPPORT – Would appropriate $25 million from the General Fund to the Housing Trust Fund, to be spent on developing projects and programs that would create housing opportunities for low and moderate-income households and housing affordability programs. The bill requires that a portion of the monies be spent exclusively in rural areas. In addition, priority would be given to funding projects that would provide housing for low-income families with children. The funds could also be used to construct and renovate housing and provide housing assistance for people determined to be seriously mentally ill and chronically resistant to treatment. Supported by numerous municipalities and housing and human services organizations, including the Arizona Housing Coalition, League of Arizona Cities and Towns, and Native American Connections.


SB1555 – SUPPORT – This bill, sponsored by Senator Jamescita Peshlakai, would re-establish the State Board on Geographic and Historic Names, to determine the most appropriate names for places in Arizona, and require that one or more of the members appointed by the Governor be a current or former elected tribal official. Supported by the Arizona Secretary of State and League of Conservation Voters.

SB1802 – SUPPORT – This bill, also sponsored by Senator Jamescita Peshlakai, would designate August 14 as “National Diné, Hopi, and Indigenous Code Talkers Day.” Supported by the League of Conservation Voters.


HB2565 – SUPPORT – Would appropriate $2.5 million from the General Fund to the Department of Economic Security to distribute to area agencies on aging to provide home and community-based services to enable older adults to maintain the most independence and freedom possible, avoid institutional care, and live in dignity. Supported by the National Association of Social Workers, Arizona Chapter.


HB2755 – SUPPORT – Would increase state funding for the arts.  Something that hasn’t been done for many, many years.

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