Not-Permanent Early Voting

SB 1188 is worth a special call to your legislator this week. We’ve had permanent early voting in Arizona — a ballot-by-mail system that’s a model for the nation — and SB 1188 would take that away. It’s one more voter suppression attempt, plain and simple.

SB 1188 would drop voters from the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL):

  • if you miss voting in one or more primary or general elections in two consecutive years. 
  • if you voted in those elections but didn’t vote by mail! 
  • If you took your ballot to a polling place and dropped it off.

There is also no provision in the bill to notify voters if they have been dropped!  So folks who have been receiving ballots-by-mail for years may be unaware that they are no longer eligible to vote by mail.

What good purpose is served by this bill? None.


Sylvia Allen                                                      602-926-5409

Bob Thorpe  –                                               602-926-5219

Walt Blackman –                                    602-926-3043

 Jamescita Peshlakai (D) LD7                (602) 926-5160

 Arlando Teller (D) LD7                                  (602) 926-3069

 Myron Tsosie (D) LD7                              602-926-3157

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