Coconino County Democratic

Here is the contact information for our Legislators:


LD 1  – Ken Bennett 602-926-5874 KBENNETT@AZLEG.GOV

LD 7 – Wendy Rogers 602-926-3042 WROGERS@AZLEG.GOV

LD 6 – Theresa Hatathlie 602-926-5160 THATATHLIE@AZLEG.GOV

President Warren Petersen 602-926-4136 WPETERSEN@AZLEG.GOV

Majority Ldr Sonny Borrelli 602-926-5031 SBORRELLI@AZLEG.GOV

Minority Ldr Denise Epstein 602-926-4870 MEPSTEIN@ASLEG.GOV


LD 1 – Selina Bliss 602-926-4018 SBLIS@AZLEG.GOV

LD 1 – Quang Nguyen 602-926-3258 QNGUYEN@AZLEG.GOV

LD 7 – David Cook 602-926-5162 DCOOK@AZLEG.GOV

LD 7 – David Marshall 602-926-3579 DMARSHALL@AZLEG.GOV

LD 6 – Mae Peshlakai 602-926-3708 MPESHLAKAI@AZLEG.GOV

LD 6 – Myron Tsosie 602-926-3157 MTSOSIE@AZLEG.GOV

Speaker Ben Toma 602-926-3298 BTOMA@AZLEG.GOV

Majority Ldr Leo Biasiucci 602-926-3018 LBIASIUCCI@AZLEG.GOV

Minority Ldr Lupe Contreras 602-926-5284 LCONTRERAS@AZLEG.GOV

E-Mail Contact for Governor Katie Hobbs:

E-Mail Contacts for Governor Hobbs Staff:

John Owens

Janelle Pedregon


  • On Tuesday, Republicans passed HCR 2060 and it will be on the November Ballot (barring multiple legal challenges).  This bill, the resurrected SB 1070 “show me your papers” measure, would allow police to arrest suspected migrants while also running up massive taxpayer bills and greenlighting racial profiling.  It is a clear attempt to distract voters from the fact that they tried to force us to live in 1864! 
  • There is a chance that budget bills will begin arriving this coming week.  No confirmed information exists so far on what they might look like nor is there any assurance that the ESA voucher program is being curtailed.  Wait and see.
  • There is a movement among the Republicans in the legislature to impeach our Attorney General, Kris Mayes.  The movement is based on the fact that she is actually doing her job.  Their complaint seems to be that she has:
    • Issued felony indictments against county supervisors who refused to certify election results
    • Reminded supervisors that scrapping machine counting of ballots violates state law
    • Refused to defend in court a likely unconstitutional law banning trans girls from participating in school sports.
    • Issuing consumer warning against fraudulent, ideologically biased so-called “crisis pregnancy centers”
    • Using public nuisance laws to investigate the unlimited pumping that depletes Arizona’s groundwater.
  • Senate President Petersen and House Speaker Toma have initiated a law suit to overturn the establishment of the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument.  This name of this 1400 square mile monument established in 2023 translates, in part, to “where Indigenous people roam” and to “our ancestral footprints”.  Such a law suit has not legal grounds to succeed.
  • Prop 211 or the “Voters Right to Know Act” was passed with 72% support in 2022.  Since then, Republicans and their allies have initiated numerous legal challenges.  This proposition is designed to require groups spending over $50,000 on statewide campaigns or $25,000 on other campaigns to disclose the original sources of contributions exceeding $5,000.  The prop is aimed to reduce the influence of “dark money” in Arizona elections.  These legal challenges have required the state of Arizona to spend $1.5 Million defending the proposition so far.  Expect more legal expenses as Republicans do all they can to protect their mega donors.
  • HCR 2056, a ballot measure that would severely limit voting access, is likely to get a floor vote this week.  This measure would end election day ballot drop off of mail-in ballots, expand voter ID and result in long lines during record heat.  Flood our Arizona Senate members with the demand to OPPOSE HCR 2056!!
  • Remember in November the two AZ Supreme Court Justices who voted FOR the continued 1864 near-total ban on abortion and who are up for renewal.  They are:
    • Justice Clint Bolick
    • Justice Kathryn King