Coconino County Democratic
Here is the contact information for our Legislators:
LD 1 – Ken Bennett 602-926-5874 KBENNETT@AZLEG.GOV
LD 7 – Wendy Rogers 602-926-3042 WROGERS@AZLEG.GOV
LD 6 – Theresa Hatathlie 602-926-5160 THATATHLIE@AZLEG.GOV
President Warren Petersen 602-926-4136 WPETERSEN@AZLEG.GOV
Majority Ldr Sonny Borrelli 602-926-5031 SBORRELLI@AZLEG.GOV
Minority Ldr Denise Epstein 602-926-4870 MEPSTEIN@ASLEG.GOV
LD 1 – Selina Bliss 602-926-4018 SBLIS@AZLEG.GOV
LD 1 – Quang Nguyen 602-926-3258 QNGUYEN@AZLEG.GOV
LD 7 – David Cook 602-926-5162 DCOOK@AZLEG.GOV
LD 7 – David Marshall 602-926-3579 DMARSHALL@AZLEG.GOV
LD 6 – Mae Peshlakai 602-926-3708 MPESHLAKAI@AZLEG.GOV
LD 6 – Myron Tsosie 602-926-3157 MTSOSIE@AZLEG.GOV
Speaker Ben Toma 602-926-3298 BTOMA@AZLEG.GOV
Majority Ldr Leo Biasiucci 602-926-3018 LBIASIUCCI@AZLEG.GOV
Minority Ldr Lupe Contreras 602-926-5284 LCONTRERAS@AZLEG.GOV
E-Mail Contact for Governor Katie Hobbs:
E-Mail Contacts for Governor Hobbs Staff:
John Owens
Janelle Pedregon
- The AZ House in recessed until June 4 because a few Republicans are on vacation?!! Guess getting a budget done isn’t all that important.
- HCR 2056 is alive and well. It is a ballot measure that is a direct attack on early voting. This measure (which can not be vetoed by the Governor) makes it harder to vote (that’s the stated objective of the sponsors – Wendy Rogers). It would restrict ballot drop off ability and emergency voting. The measure is just awful and we need to do all we can to oppose it. Let you representatives and Senators know how you feel!
- HCR 2060 is also alive and well. This is the resurfacing of the infamous SB 1070 bill of ten years ago. There is some resistance by Republican Bennett but his objections are likely to successfully dealt with and it is very likely to be passed. Again, demand our representatives oppose this terrible and probably unconstitutional measure from passing.
- The AZ Supreme Court has granted AG Kris Mayes’ request to stay enforcement of the 1864 abortion ban for another 90 days. Hence, this law will likely to go into effect until Sept 26, 2024. This is likely to be after the timing for the 1864 law repeal passed by the legislature that can’t go into effect for 90 days after the legislature session ends. We’ll see.
- There are 19 other ballot measures that are still in the wings that may be passed and placed on the November 2024 ballot. These would merge with the 6 measures already passed in the 2023 legislative session to be on the November 2024 ballot.
- Tell our Senators to vote NO on HB 2201 this coming Wednesday. It is a terrible water bill that has been written by and for developers, land speculators, private water companies and citizens in Buckeye and Queen Creek, to change rules to get around the groundwater modeling and create big exemptions to the assured water supply program. This is designed to allow the continued sprawl development and building. It might be available for RTS as well but not sure.