We’re in a National Security Crisis — What is Congress Going to Do About It?

Editorial boards across the country are running lists of things Congress COULD do if our elected Senators and Congressmen were serious about the national security crisis we face.  Make no mistake, according to Republican and Trump appointee Dan Coats — the nation’s chief intelligence officer, we are facing the greatest threat since 9/11. “The warning […]

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LD-6 Campaign Update: 800 Doors Knocked in One Day

White Mountain Democrats knocked on more than 800 doors in Payson on Saturday to help win the Legislative District 6 race, which is critical to winning control of the Arizona Legislature.   Helping Wade Carlisle defeat State Sen. Sylvia Allen while also to defeating (Where’s Bob) Thorpe and McDaniel by electing Bobby Tyler and Felicia […]

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Trump Takes Major Swipes at the Affordable Care Act

Even with majorities in both houses of Congress, Republicans were unable to pass a repeal of the Affordable Care Act in 2017 even though they had made “Repeal Obamacare” a campaign cry ever since it came into being in 2010. When Republicans finally controlled Congress and the Presidency in 2017,  the American people rose up […]

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More “Witches” Indicted Today

While Republicans and our President continue to harangue the Mueller investigation, our loyal law enforcement officials continue to plug away.  Today, the United States of American indicted more Russian citizens — specifically, officials of the Russian government under the command of Putin — on the grounds of conspiracy to interfere in the 2016 Election. The […]

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Inflation-Adjusted Wages Down From Last Year

“Worker pay in the second quarter dropped nearly one percent below its first-quarter level, according to the PayScale Index, one measure of worker pay. When accounting for inflation, the drop is even steeper. Year-over-year, rising prices have eaten up still-modest pay gains for many workers, with the result that real wages fell 1.4 percent from the […]

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How’s that Economy Working for You?

If you are fortunate enough to have stock market investments, you are enjoying an unprecedented streak of continual wealth growth — a streak that began in 2012 by the way. But only about 50% of Americans own a piece of the stock market and most of them own a very small piece. In fact, 10% […]

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Celebrate Independence Day with Us!

    Watch for the Big Blue Wave in the parade.   Then join us for the Ice Cream Social at Headquarters — 201 E. Birch.           The Blue Wave is going to help win November’s election, but we need lots of hard work to really make the donkey jump the […]

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Never More Important

If there was ever any question whether the November elections would be the most important of our lifetime, Justice Kennedy’s retirement from the Supreme Court should remove all doubt. In 2017, Mitch McConnell held up President Obama’s nomination of moderate, yet brilliant, Jurist Merrick Garland for over 8 months on the ground that the American […]

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We’re about to hear a lot of it as Trump rolls out his next Supreme Court nominee. As Coconino County Democrats, there is one vital thing we need to do to try to save our country:  Find 7000 more votes in this County. Apart from that, we can only hope that there are others elsewhere […]

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Trump’s Narrowing of “Angel Families” Is an Insult to Victims

In our continuing quest for truth as a weapon against divisive propaganda, we dug up this 2016 article about “angel moms” — the origin of Trump’s false reality show today. No one can doubt the painful loss of the family members he put on display. They are entitled to seek comfort wherever they can — […]

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