Coconino County Democratic

Here is the contact information for our Legislators:


LD 1  – Ken Bennett 602-926-5874 KBENNETT@AZLEG.GOV

LD 7 – Wendy Rogers 602-926-3042 WROGERS@AZLEG.GOV

LD 6 – Theresa Hatathlie 602-926-5160 THATATHLIE@AZLEG.GOV

President Warren Petersen 602-926-4136 WPETERSEN@AZLEG.GOV

Majority Ldr Sonny Borrelli 602-926-5031 SBORRELLI@AZLEG.GOV

Minority Ldr Denise Epstein 602-926-4870 MEPSTEIN@ASLEG.GOV


LD 1 – Selina Bliss 602-926-4018 SBLIS@AZLEG.GOV

LD 1 – Quang Nguyen 602-926-3258 QNGUYEN@AZLEG.GOV

LD 7 – David Cook 602-926-5162 DCOOK@AZLEG.GOV

LD 7 – David Marshall 602-926-3579 DMARSHALL@AZLEG.GOV

LD 6 – Mae Peshlakai 602-926-3708 MPESHLAKAI@AZLEG.GOV

LD 6 – Myron Tsosie 602-926-3157 MTSOSIE@AZLEG.GOV

Speaker Ben Toma 602-926-3298 BTOMA@AZLEG.GOV

Majority Ldr Leo Biasiucci 602-926-3018 LBIASIUCCI@AZLEG.GOV

Minority Ldr Lupe Contreras 602-926-5284 LCONTRERAS@AZLEG.GOV

E-Mail Contact for Governor Katie Hobbs:

E-Mail Contacts for Governor Hobbs Staff:

John Owens

Janelle Pedregon


SB 1125 – Rogers – OPPOSE – Would require “age and identity verification” for companies that provide “material harmful to minors” over the internet. The state of course would be able monitor such access.   See HB 2586 – same bill in the House.

SB 1198 – Rogers – OPPOSE – Would prohibit universities and community colleges from banning ANYONE with a concealed weapons permit from possessing, storing, transporting guns on campus.


Ballot Referrals go directly to the voters and Governor Hobbs can not veto them!!  It is critical that we do all we can to stop these bills from getting to our November ballot.  Not only are they awful changes to our constitution or general legislation that we must oppose.  If they get approved to go on the ballot then all of us will be consumed by the huge communications campaigns to educate voters on how bad they are and to vote them down.  We have enough to do for this critical election already – we don’t need any more:

SCR 1020 – Mesnard -OPPOSE – Automatically extends the previous year’s budget if lawmakers don’t pass one in time.

HCR 2050 – Griffin – OPPOSE – Banning Arizona, its cities and counties and its public schools from banning gas cars or gas stoves.

HCR 2040 – Smith – OPPOSE – Would prohibit any kind of affirmative action in hiring.  Would prohibit any state agency from doing anything to reduce global temperatures, have a climate action plan or participate in any attempt to reduce meat consumption.


SB 1060 – Mesnard – OPPOSE – Would allow partisan observers inside the voting process to include the setup process where observers and the public are not permitted.  This muddies a cleanly working process and would weaken confidence in our state’s elections.

SB 1357 – Mesnard – OPPOSE – Would move the signature affidavit on an early ballot to be inside the envelope for “privacy purposes”. The bill has no appropriation to make such an expensive change.  Our current format is used in several other states and no one has indicated there was a problem.


SB 1073 – Kavanagh – OPPOSE – Would make it a felony to block a highway, bridge or tunnel during a protest.  The sponsor’s stated objective is to criminalize protests which is a first amendment right!


HB 2016 – Griffin – OPPOSE – Would give water users in the Douglas area up to 24 additional months to grandfather in their level of groundwater pumping.  This would delay the state’s ability to limit pumping.  The Douglas area water supply is already in peril.  This would circumvent the will of the voters who passed citizen initiative in 2022 that would limit groundwater pumping.

HB 2017 – Griffin – OPPOSE – Would allow builders to mix groundwater with river water or wastewater to undercut current state regulations on groundwater reliant development.

HB 2019 – Griffin – OPPOSE – Would allow anyone to challenge the results of an Arizona Department of Water Resources report on groundwater levels.  This undercuts the specialized work the ADWR does to accommodate homebuilders who want to continue developing subdivisions that rely on depleting our precious groundwater.

HB 2123 – Smith – OPPOSE – Prohibits the state or any political subdivisions from requiring water measuring devices on wells in areas where there are rivers.


SB 1280 – Hoffman – OPPOSE – Would make those who are subject to registration as a sex offender ineligible to serve on public school boards.  This is great but it DOES NOT include this requirement for ESA voucher-funded schools!  Use RTS to Demand that it include ESA schools too.

SB 1007 – Jake Hoffman – OPPOSE – Would put Arizona public school teachers (but not teachers at ESA-funded private schools) behind bars for up to 2 years if they so much as recommend a book to students that lawmakers consider too “sexually explicit”.  

SB 1286 – Hoffman – OPPOSE – Would require all district schools to close on election days and district schools (NOT ESA voucher or charter schools) to offer their gyms as polling places.  Teachers would be required to attend in-service training and banned from taking a vacation day – presumably to prevent teachers from being poll workers!

SB 1370 – Bolick – OPPOSE – Would ban cities from requiring businesses run by youth under 18 to be licensed or pay sales tax if they make under $10,000 per year.  This is likely aimed to provide another avenue for school voucher dollars to be funneled into child businesses.

HB 2178 – Kolodin – OPPOSE – Would allow students at AZ public universities to dedicate their student activity fees to specific university-recognized student organizations or clubs.  A university should retain final say over the funding allocation for its programs.

SB 1464 – Bennett – SUPPORT – Would appropriate $500,000 from the general fund to award grants to school districts and charter schools to build community gardens.


SB 1366 – Bolick – OPPOSE – Would add Blockchain to Arizona’s “regulatory sandbox” – a program that offers limited access to Arizona’s market to test innovative financial products.  This would deregulate a volatile playground for the mega-rich.

SB 1097 – Wadsack – OPPOSE – Would make school board elections partisan, a move being pushed by national extremist organizations.


HB 2183 – Willoughby – OPPOSE – Would require health care entities to give parents access to ALL of their minor children’s medical records – even for services that do not require parental consent.  This would strip minors of their right to medical privacy.


SB 1005 – Hoffman – OPPOSE – Would ban the state, including public schools, from requiring “diversity, equity and inclusion programs” for its employees.  The bill pretends our differences don’t exist.

SB 1013 – Hoffman – OPPOSE – Would ban government from taking social or environmental values into consideration when investing.  Such a restriction would seriously limit pension funds from maximizing their returns for its members.

SB 1472 – Kern – OPPOSE – Would ban the state, including public schools, from requiring “diversity, equity and inclusion programs” for its employees.  Similar to SB 1005.


SB 1169 – Wadsack – OPPOSE – Would ban cities from prohibiting or regulating gun shows within their boundaries.


SB 1495 – Mesnard – OPPOSE – Would more than double certain business property tax exemptions.  With an expected $1.7 Billion budget shortfall we don’t need another tax break for business.

SB 1148 – Kern – OPPOSE – Would give AZ taxpayers over the age of 55 a one-time rebate of an unspecified amount on their state taxes.  With a $1.7 Billion shortfall in the current budget we can’t afford this.


HB 2244 – Nyguyen – OPPOSE – Prohibits intentionally misbranding a product that is not derived from livestock or poultry as meat or poultry.  This is targeting veggie derived “meat” products.


HB 2406 – Gillette – OPPOSE – Would allow meat, poultry and seafood products made from animals that were not given a mRNA vaccination to be labeled “mRNA Free”.  A conspiracy theory that mRNA vaccines have entered the US food supply.


SB 1387 – Alston – SUPPORT – Would gradually raise the monthly stipend for kinship foster care parents to the same $600 per month that every other foster parent gets.


SB 1147 – Kern – OPPOSE – Would appropriate $250,000 for the livestock compensation fund to reward irresponsible livestock interests when a wolf kills or harms any of their livestock.