FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — The Coconino County Recorder’s office has mailed a 2024 Voter Guide to all registered voters in the county. The guide contains important voting information about the upcoming elections that will be held this year.
2024 is going to be a very busy election year with three countywide elections. The guide describes the differences between the March 19 Presidential Preference, July 30 Primary and November 5 General Elections.
The Arizona Legislature recently passed emergency legislation that moved the date of the Primary Election up one week earlier than the date listed in the Voter Guide. The Primary Election is now July 30 instead of August 6. The Recorder’s office will be mailing to all registered voters in April a supplemental guide that will provide the corrected important dates for the Primary. The supplemental guide will also include information about early voting changes that were included in the recent legislation.
“I wish the Legislature had enacted the emergency legislation earlier so we could have included the correct Primary Election date in the Voter Guide,” said Recorder Patty Hansen. “We wanted to get the Guide to our voters prior to the voter registration deadline for the March 19 Presidential Preference Election (PPE) so any voter that wanted to change their party affiliation to be able to vote in the PPE could do so. The voter registration deadline for the PPE is Tuesday, February 20, and only voters with a registered party of Democratic or Republican are eligible to vote in this election.”
The Guide also contains registrant-specific voter registration information. This information provides the registrant their current political party affiliation; indicates whether they are on the active early voting list; and lists their voting precinct and Congressional, Legislative and Board of Supervisor districts. It also contains information about early voting options, what offices are up for election and important election dates.
If you are a registered voter in Coconino County and have not received your 2024 Elections & Voter Guide, please contact the Coconino County Recorder’s Office because there may be a problem with your voter registration status.
For more information, or if you have questions, call the Coconino County Recorder’s Office at (928) 679-7860 or toll-free (800) 793-6181.
Media Release was issued February 13, 2024, by the Coconino County Recorder’s Office.