Produced by Coconino County Democratic Party

  1. Ask President Biden and EPA Administrator Regan to continue to act to do more to curb climate pollution by enacting the strongest carbon standards and air quality requirements for power plants!  The EPA is taking additional steps by issuing a new rule to reduce methane pollution.  The new methane standard moves us closer to the President’s goal to cut climate pollution by 50% by the end of the decade.  Reducing methane pollution from the oil and gas industry will improve public health, clean up our environment, curb climate pollution and advance environmental justice.  But we need to do MORE.  Ask President Biden and Administrator Regan to enact the strongest carbon standards and air quality requirements as soon as possible to ensure that pollution from these gas plants is reduced ASAP!
  1. Insist that Congress renew the Affordable Connectivity Program to keep internet on for 22 million households!  The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) has been a critical lifeline for millions of Americans, providing essential access to high-speed internet.  The program has enabled students to continue their education remotely, allowed adults to work from home, facilitated telehealth services and ensured that individuals remain connected to their loved ones during challenging times.  The expiration of this program will disproportionately impact low income households, exacerbate the digital divide, and hinder our nation’s progress towards ensuring universal access to high-speed internet.  Strongly urge our Representatives in the House and Senate to swiftly renew the Affordable Connectivity Program!

Sen. Mark Kelly: Call (202) 224-2235 (DC); Email via his website at Tag the Senator at @senmarkkelly.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema:  Call (202) 224-4521 (DC) or (602) 598-7327. Email via her website at Tag the Senator at @senatorsinema.

Rep. Eli Crane: Call (202) 225-3361 (DC) or email via website at Tag the Congressman @RepEliCrane

President Biden:

Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House,

202-225-2777 (DC) or email via website at:

Tag the Congressman @RepMikeJohnson

Senator Mitch McConnell:


Call: 202-224-2541


Here is the contact information for our Legislators:


LD 1  – Ken Bennett 602-926-5874 KBENNETT@AZLEG.GOV

LD 7 – Wendy Rogers             602-926-3042 WROGERS@AZLEG.GOV

LD 6 – Theresa Hatathlie 602-926-5160 THATATHLIE@AZLEG.GOV

President Warren Petersen 602-926-4136 WPETERSEN@AZLEG.GOV

Majority Ldr Sonny Borrelli 602-926-5031 SBORRELLI@AZLEG.GOV

Minority Ldr Denise Epstein 602-926-4870 MEPSTEIN@ASLEG.GOV


LD 1 – Selina Bliss 602-926-4018 SBLIS@AZLEG.GOV

LD 1 – Quang Nguyen 602-926-3258 QNGUYEN@AZLEG.GOV

LD 7 – David Cook 602-926-5162 DCOOK@AZLEG.GOV

LD 7 – David Marshall 602-926-3579 DMARSHALL@AZLEG.GOV

LD 6 – Mae Peshlakai 602-926-3708 MPESHLAKAI@AZLEG.GOV

LD 6 – Myron Tsosie 602-926-3157 MTSOSIE@AZLEG.GOV

Speaker Ben Toma 602-926-3298 BTOMA@AZLEG.GOV

Majority Ldr Leo Biasiucci 602-926-3018 LBIASIUCCI@AZLEG.GOV

Minority Ldr Lupe Contreras 602-926-5284 LCONTRERAS@AZLEG.GOV

E-Mail Contact for Governor Katie Hobbs:

E-Mail Contacts for Governor Hobbs Staff:

John Owens

Janelle Pedregon



SB 1003 – Wendy Rogers – OPPOSE – Would ban the use of photo radar.  Conspicuous fixed cameras reduce traffic crashes and injuries.

SCR 1001 – Wendy Rogers – OPPOSE – Same bill as SB 1003 but designed to be put on the ballot and hence immune from Governor veto.

HB 2143 – David Cook – SUPPORT – Would waive fees for driver licenses and state IDs for people experiencing homelessness.


SB 1010 – Jake Hoffman – OPPOSE – Would ban government from setting goals to reduce vehicle miles of travel.  Based on the conspiracy theory that believes the “world government” wants to limit people’s freedom of travel and advance a totalitarian agenda.  

SCR 1002 – Jake Hoffman – OPPOSE – Same as SB 1010 but designed to be put on the ballot and hence immune from Governor veto.


SB 1011 – Jake Hoffman – OPPOSE – Would reject federal funding for biking and walking infrastructure, depriving Arizona of millions of dollars.  Hoffman introduced this same bill last year but it failed to pass.


HB 2086 – Laurin Hendrix – OPPOSE – Would repeal the requirement that candidates for election as county school superintendent hold a basic or standard certificate to teach in Arizona.

HB 2095 – Barbara Parker – OPPOSE – Would expand School Tuition Organization (STO) vouchers to students in foster care.  Governor Hobbs vetoed this bill last year.

HB 2088 – Laurin Hendrix – OPPOSE – Would ban anyone who contributes to a bond or override campaign from bidding on a contract that is funded as a result of the bond or override.  This would drastically limit funding for bonds and overrides which many schools rely on for funding.

SB 1007 – Jake Hoffman – OPPOSE – Would put Arizona public school teachers (but not teachers at ESA-funded private schools) behind bars for up to 2 years if they so much as recommend a book to students that lawmakers consider too “sexually explicit”.  

SB 1017 – John Kavanagh – OPPOSE – Would allow Arizona Department of Education to hire its own legal counsel separate from the state’s attorney general.  This is in support of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Horne, to go around the attorney general as he sues to stop Arizona schools from using dual-language models to teach English Language Learners.


SB 1005 – Jake Hoffman – OPPOSE – Would ban the state (including public schools) from requiring “diversity, equity and inclusion programs” for its employees.  An employee required to participate could sue.  Hoffman introduced this same bill last year and it failed to pass.

SB 1013 – Jake Hoffman – OPPOSE – Would ban government from taking social or environmental values into consideration when investing.

SB 1014 – Jake Hoffman – OPPOSE – Would ban financial institutions, insurers and credit reporting agencies from considering political affiliation, social or environmental values.  Similar to the vetoed bill last year.


SB 1022 – John Kavanagh – OPPOSE – Would force homeowners associations to allow the “Appeal to Heaven” flag to be flown.  This flag has been embraced by Christian Nationals, extremists, and far-right hate groups like the Proud Boys and neo-Nazi groups.


HB 2139 – Julie Willoughby – OPPOSE – Would make a minor patient’s medical records ‘not privileged or confidential”, and decrees that they may be disclosed to a parent or guardian as a matter of course unless the minor specifies in writing otherwise.  


SCR 1002 – Jake Hoffman – OPPOSE – Would propose a ballot measure to amend the constitution to prohibit fees based on vehicle miles traveled, an alternative to gas tax or other fees.  This is a potential funding source for roads as the presence of electric vehicles grows and gas tax is no longer a major source of funding.


HB 2002 – Griffin – OPPOSE – Would exempt switchyards and substations from review by the AZ Power Plant and Transmission Line Siting Committee – one of the few entities that considers environmental factors relative to siting.

HB 2003 – Griffin – OPPOSE – Would allow utilities to replace structures on a transmission line without pursuing a new or amended certificate of environmental compatibility.  

HB 2004 – Griffin – SUPPORT – Would allow a utility to submit an application for a certificate of environmental compatibility for a power plant, transmission line, etc. in an electronic format, hence saving a lot of paper!


HB 2017 – Griffin – OPPOSE – Requires the AZ Department of Water Resources to consider any water a developer brings for an assured water supply.  Just another loophole to avoid sustainable water supply.

HB 2028 – Griffin – OPPOSE – Requires ADWR to assume that unpledged long-term water storage credits are available for use in a groundwater model and hence to evaluate whether or not there is assured water supply for a development. 

HB 2057 – Dunn – OPPOSE – Appropriates an additional $143 million to the water augmentation fund for water projects outside of Arizona.