In this edition: Hear about the opening of the Flagstaff office for the Coordinated Campaign of the Arizona Democratic Party. Welcome our new Youth Organizer. Put this month’s Action Meeting on your calendar – and check out our new meeting place this month! Help us recruit energetic organizers for the upcoming campaign, or sign up yourself for volunteer voter protection. We continue to collect signatures for the reproductive rights petition, serve our community at the Flagstaff Family Food Center, and more in our work to defend democracy – join us!

Dear Warriors, The Northern Arizona Coordinated Campaign office in Flagstaff opened with a joyous blue wave as some 70 supporters marched from our office, around Heritage Square, and up to the second floor of the Sunwest Bank building. Democrats and friends from every part of our community joined to welcome Regional Organizing Director Curtis Kinnaman and Regional Political Director Dylan Baca to Coconino County and celebrate the opening of the Regional Office. We are ready to canvass!We have a fresh new look for our booth this summer, and we had a blast rolling it out for the Flagstaff Hullabaloo Festival. Candidates stopped by to meet with voters, AAA petition circulators gathered dozens of signatures, and we registered some new voters. Children are painting new signs for our 4 th of July Float. We invite them to choose an idea that is an important value and create art around that word. After I explained to one young artist why we offered “Voice,” she commented that we should edit that one to say “Vote your Voice.” The children know what’s up. We will save Democracy for them.We are all in this together, and we will win in November.
Blue Arizona 2024,Laura Saturday, June 8, 10 am – noonNOTE —  NEW LOCATION!!Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff301 S. Paseo del Flag, Flagstaffor via Zoom (link below)
We’ll hear from some of the candidates whose names we will see on our ballots in the July 30 primary election.  We will be organizing for the upcoming primary and general elections. And we’ll have a training on canvassing and then have the chance to start knocking on neighbors’ doors with the Coordinated Campaign. Join your fellow Defenders of Democracy for a fun and energizing morning! Note that we have a new venue this month – we are exchanging meeting places this month with the Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff. Come visit this important community asset!
CC Dems is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Topic: Monthly Action MeetingTime: June 8, 2024 10:00 AM Arizona
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 885 2021 6983Passcode: 121050
Who Votes in Coconino County?During an election year, campaign strategists and political observers focus on understanding the population of likely voters and how they are best reached. We are no exception! So we’ve been scrutinizing the latest voter registration statistics from Coconino County (posted and updated regularly on their Elections website). Here are some highlights that we should all be aware of as we think about canvassing, voter education, and communication efforts.There are 103,118 registered voters in Coconino County (all numbers are current as of April 1, 2024).Of these, 17,598 or 17 % are “inactive” voters (meaning, no correct mailing address is on file for these voters). Many of these are likely students who registered while at NAU but have since moved (perhaps out of the County).Just under half (48 %) of the County’s voters reside in Flagstaff.The other half of the voters are mostly in unincorporated areas – though 4 % are in Page and about 2 % each in Sedona and Williams.Democrats are 40 % of the registered voters, Republicans 27 %, and Independents are 33 %. Libertarian, Green, and No Labels party members together constitute less than 2 % of the total.County residents vote in any of three different state legislative districts (LD’s), depending on their address. Only 2300 live in LD 1, 63,790 in LD 6, and 37,029 in LD 7. All three LD’s cross into other counties, so we rely on building strong collaborations when we focus on state legislative races.
We know that it takes different means of communication, and different messaging, to reach and to persuade different components of our County population. If you are interested in learning more and assisting with our communications efforts, please email today!Observing at the Polls and in the Elections Center: Helping and Representing VotersHelp keep our elections safe, secure, legal, and transparent!  Learn more about roles with the ADP Voter Protection Team here. Poll observers are the eyes and ears ensuring that any difficulties at a polling place are detected and corrected quickly. Meanwhile observers who watch the receiving of ballots on Election Night, and the tabulation of ballots at the central Elections Center, are our best defense against distrust in our elections. The Arizona Democratic Party supplies training and excellent support for our observers. Our huge county has dozens of diverse polling places – help us cover the ground so that all registered voters can exercise their right to vote! Contact about your interest.Juneteenth Celebration in FlagstaffJuneteenth is a holiday celebrated on June 19 each year to commemorate the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States. Our local Juneteenth events this year are organized and hosted by the Southside Community Association, the Lived Black Experience, and Coconino County’s African Diaspora Advisory Council.Help the Coordinated Campaign recruit effective organizers!
The Arizona Democratic Party seeks to hire full-time organizers to fuel its Coordinated Campaign through this election cycle. People with deep connections to local communities and commitment to our democracy are being hired now. If you know of good candidates – or if you are interested yourself in stepping up! – use this link to learn more and to apply.
Organizer PositionsPlease Welcome Our New Youth Organizer!
“Howdy!My name is Joan Arrow and I am excited to be the lead youth organizer for the CC Democrats. Flagstaff is my home and it is where I plan to raise my family so it means the world to me that we turn Arizona blue! Something I have been working on with other young progressives in the community is organizing a great group for Arizona progressives together called the Arizona Progressive Action Committee (AZPAC). We get together for canvassing, social events, a book club, and any other community work that promotes progressivism in Coconino County. We are currently laying the groundwork so that we can hit the ground running when NAU students return in the fall to turn Arizona not just blue – but progressive!”To contact Joan, email her at
Arizona for Abortion Access Ballot Initiative
Time is growing short to collect signatures for the AZ for Abortion Access Ballot initiative, but we are bursting with opportunities to do so!  Please take a look and sign up for one of the opportunities below.The AAA Coalition has a goal of collecting 800,000 signatures in total in order to demonstrate public support for the measure. This will help with the inevitable challenges from the opposition.Petitions go through a verification process so that the AAA Coalition has an accurate count of the total signatures.  So turn in your petitions as soon as you can so they can be included in the count.  We are turning petitions in to the AAA Coalition regularly!Here are some upcoming events where you can circulate petitions:Every SUNDAY in June – FLAGSTAFF COMMUNITY MARKET:
Circulate your AAA Petitions at the FLAGSTAFF COMMUNITY MARKETJune 7th – First Friday:Circulate your petitions at Heritage Square (contact or join us at our first Park ‘n Sign event!
COCONINO DEMS at PRIDE IN THE PINES – VOLUNTEER to circulate your AAA Petitions!
VOLUNTEER to circulate your AAA petitions at the JUNTEENTH COMMUNITY FESTIVALMark your calendars for our “Final” AAA Petition event on June 23rd at Flagstaff City Hall!  There will be a rally, possibly with press coverage, from 1pm to 2pm.  The public will be able to sign the petition, and notaries will be available so that Petition Circulators can turn petitions in.  The coalition would like for ALL petitions to be turned by then!AZ List will offer a last chance petition turn in event on June 28th, and details will be announced in our next newsletter.More events will be added!  All events are on the Indivisible Northern AZ mobilize page and the Coconino County Democratic Party mobilize page. Both organizations are members of the Flagstaff Abortion Alliance.
Join Us in Our Key Outreach and Voter Education Work This Summer!Flagstaff’s community calendar of fantastic festivals and celebrations is in full swing, and the Coconino County Democrats are fully engaged. We’d love to have your help, especially at Pride in the Pines, our table at Juneteenth, and the Fourth of July Parade. We are still serving dinner at the Flagstaff Family Food Center on the first Thursday of each month, too. We have a new “one-stop-shop” way of signing up for any of these opportunities – keep reading for the link and give it a try.New Volunteer Signup Sheet!As our outreach and community activities heat up with the summer and the campaign season, we are introducing a new and convenient tool for signing up. This link below will take you to a spreadsheet where you can learn about all of our events and sign up for those you’d like to help with. The tabs at the bottom are by month; click on JULY if you’d like to see what we have going that month, for example. Each sheet then presents all of the events for that month, from serving dinner at the Flagstaff Family Food Center, to tabling at one of our summer festivals, to talking to voters at the Sunday markets. Put your name and contact information into the sheet where you’d like to help; no need to email or call or click Submit, because the sheet will be updated and your information will be visible to the organizer as soon as you sign up. Thanks for being part of the fun and the great work we are doing this election year!Volunteer Events and SignupCalendar of Events
To share an upcoming event in our bi-monthly newsletter or the monthly events calendar on our website, please email us the details by Friday prior to each newsletter. Fight for Democracy. Protect our Freedoms.Support the 2024 Election. Become a monthly donor today.DonatePaid for by the Coconino County Democratic Party.
Donations are political contributions and not tax-deductible.