AZ Legislative Alert – April 24, 2023

COCONINO COUNTY DEMOCRATS ARIZONA LEGISLATIVE ALERT April 24, 2023 STATUS Both the Arizona House and Senate have recessed until April 25. They have done this since the House expelled Liz Harris (R-13). The expulsion was done because Ms. Harris wasn’t acting like a “team player”. Her wild accusations accused Republicans and Democrats of being bribed […]

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AZ Legislative Alert – April 17, 2023

COCONINO COUNTY DEMOCRATS ARIZONA LEGISLATIVE ALERT April 17, 2023 Both the Arizona House and Senate have recessed until April 25. They have done this since the House expelled Liz Harris (R-13). The expulsion was done because Ms. Harris wasn’t acting like a “team player”. Her wild accusations accused Republicans and Democrats of being bribed by […]

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AZ Legislative Alert – April 2, 2023

COCONINO COUNTY DEMOCRATS ARIZONA LEGISLATIVE ALERT Aoril 2, 2023 LD 1 / LD 6/ LD 7 REPRESENTATIVE SPONSORED BILLSSB 1106 – ROGERS – OPPOSE – Would ban social media platforms from willfully “deplatforming” or “shadow banning” a candidate. Based on conspiracy theory that right-wingers are being persecuted by Big Tech. USE RTS!HB 2291 – SUPPORT […]

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AZ Legislative Alert – March 26, 2023

COCONINO COUNTY DEMOCRATS ARIZONA LEGISLATIVE ALERT March 26, 2023 LD 1 / LD 6/ LD 7 REPRESENTATIVE SPONSORED BILLSSB 1106 – ROGERS – OPPOSE – Would ban social media platforms from willfully “deplatforming” or “shadow banning” a candidate. Based on conspiracy theory that right-wingers are being persecuted by Big Tech. USE RTS!SB 1239 – OPPOSE […]

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AZ Legislative Alert – March 19, 2023

COCONINO COUNTY DEMOCRATS ARIZONA LEGISLATIVE ALERT March 20, 2023 LD 1 / LD 6/ LD 7 REPRESENTATIVE SPONSORED BILLSHB 2332 – BLISS – OPPOSE – Would require public district and charter schools to provide students with firearms training between grades 6 and 12. Characterized by some as “an attempt to give the NRA a foothold […]

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AZ Legislative Alert – March 13, 2023

COCONINO COUNTY DEMOCRATS ARIZONA LEGISLATIVE ALERT March 13, 2023 LD 1 / LD 7 REPRESENTATIVE SPONSORED BILLS SB 1324 – BENNETT – OPPOSE – Would require copies of digital ballot images to be made publicly available online.  Besides obvious privacy concerns, this may only generate more mistrust in our democracy.  CONTACT BENNETT DIRECT. HB 2332 […]

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AZ Legislative Alert – March 5, 2023

COCONINO COUNTY DEMOCRATS ARIZONA LEGISLATIVE ALERT March 5, 2023 LD 7/LD-1 REPRESENTATIVE SPONSORS SB 1109 – ROGERS – OPPOSE – Would legalize gun silencers!! USE RTS!SB 1182 – BENNETT – OPPOSE – Would allocate state tax dollars to private, religious and for-profit universities at the expense of Arizona’s three public state universities! USE RTS!SB 1234 […]

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AZ Legislative Alert – February 26, 2023

COCONINO COUNTY DEMOCRATS ARIZONA LEGISLATIVE ALERT February 26, 2023 Spotlight Issue 1: Avoid Another “Ohio Chernobyl” As news continues to break about the recent train derailment in Ohio, it’s becoming clear that the train’s excessive length played a role. What many people don’t know is that Arizona’s two main railroads have been running trains that are even […]

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AZ Legislative Alert – February 19, 2023

COCONINO COUNTY DEMOCRATS ARIZONA LEGISLATIVE ALERT February 6, 2023 Below is our Arizona Legislature Alert for this week.  Our representatives continue to be busy – mostly suppressing the vote, imposing restrictions on public schools, arbitrary constraints on cities and counties, etc. Please take whatever time you can to use RTS (Request to Speak) to voice […]

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AZ Legislative Alert – February 12, 2023

COCONINO COUNTY DEMOCRATS ARIZONA LEGISLATIVE ALERT February 6, 2023 Below is our Arizona Legislature Alert for this week.  Our representatives continue to be busy – mostly suppressing the vote, imposing restrictions on public schools, arbitrary constraints on cities and counties, etc. The reason there are so many bills in this alert is that TODAY 2/6 […]

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