Keep the Arizona minimum wage the same for all

Young people ages 18-22 years old deserve the same minimum salary as the workers 23 and older. Whether they are students at NAU or working in other parts of our state, they should receive at least the minimum wage. Recent legislation introduced by Travis Graham from the 12th district is unacceptable (Student wages to be […]

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Student debt can’t be solved by cutting wages

A quite crisis has crept across our nation, almost obsequies by its nature.The mounting debt of student loans is as serious as the 2007 housing crisis; except that, instead of losing a home, our college students are losing an opportunity to begin a family and career without being burdened by a lifetime of debt. While […]

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Action Alert: Federal Minimum Wage

Last week, Democratic leadership in Congress reintroduced the Raise the Wage Act (H. R. 582) in the House with 181 cosponsors and companion bill (S. 150) in the Senate with 31 cosponsors. This legislation, if enacted into law, would raise the federal minimum wage to $8.55 this year and increase the federal wage floor over the next five years to reach […]

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Prop 418 supporters shameful in misinformation

The “Yes on 418” campaign gets smarmier and more disingenuous by the minute. Recall, this is the new initiative – intentionally misleading in its representations – to strip the voter approved minimum wage from hard working people, many of whom are simply struggling to get by. Yes on 418’s “Keep Flagstaff Affordable” tag-line, and the […]

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Update on Sylvia Allen’s View of Morality

State Senator Sylvia Allen (R) says its “immoral” to give workers 3 paid days of sick leave and a minimum wage, but it’s A-Okay to take money from public schools for private charters like the one she runs. Yesterday, a Republican-controlled Senate panel agreed with her and advanced a proposal to reverse the 2016 voter-approved […]

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Sylvia Allen Strikes Again

LD-6 State Senator Sylvia Allen wants to give Arizona voters a chance to decide if the current $10.50 an hour minimum wage is as high as it should ever go. This, in spite of the fact that voters just last year approved a statewide referendum to raise the minimum to $12 by 2020 and Flagstaff voters, […]

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Another Republican Attack on Arizona Populism

Here’s another example of why we need to change the legislature in 2018. Arizona has a long and proud populist history, but Republicans nowadays try to cut back the peoples’ voices and consolidate power in a small click of oligarchs and their lackeys in the legislature. “Anytime the Legislature is trying to reduce the power […]

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Economy Not Working For Arizonans

Arizona’s year-over-year employment rate went up slightly but is far below projections made by the state’s Office of Economic Opportunity a year ago. Governor Doug Ducey continued to cling to the notion that it’s a nice place to live in his remarks following the release of the new economic figures. While the economy continues to […]

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Fight poverty at home | Letters to the Editor |

I’ve had discussions recently with friends about charity and helping the poor. It seems a lot of people do help the poor making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or volunteering… Read full letter: Fight poverty at home | Letters to the Editor |

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