Timely Reads

Today, Trump launches his re-election campaign (we thought that started a while back — seems it’s all he’s been doing). Rally in Orlando where the Orlando Sentinel greeted him this morning with this Editorial: Our Endorsement for President: Not Donald Trump. Meanwhile, a freshman representative from a purple district became the 67th Congressperson to call […]

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2020 Democrats Unite

DNC Chair Tom Perez published this post on Medium on May 9. His post is reproduced below. With a historic number of Democratic presidential candidates competing for the nomination and a deeply troubling Republican presidency threatening our democracy, Democratic unity has never been more important. That’s why we committed to creating a fair, transparent, and […]

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Democrats Don’t Need New Ideas

After all, Republicans have had the same three bad ideas for three decades: “tax cuts for the rich, slashed benefits for the poor, and more pollution. Paul Ryan 2010 was basically Newt Gingrich 1995 with a lower BMI, yet he got praised endlessly as an innovative thinker,” writes Paul Krugman, Nobel-prize-winning economist. “There are huge […]

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