FEDERAL ACTION ALERT – September 25, 2022

Produced by the Legislative Committee of the Coconino County Democratic Party and Democrats of the Red Rocks THIS WEEK’S ALERTS: Demand our reps pass the Respect for Marriage ActNOW!; Insist our reps support the Afghan Adjustment Act!; Make sure our repsresist ANY attempt to further privatize Medicare or Social Security; Ask that therecommendations of the […]

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FEDERAL ACTION ALERT – September 18, 2022

Produced by the Legislative Committee of the Coconino County Democratic Party and Democrats of the Red Rocks THIS WEEK’S ALERTS: Demand our reps support the Reproductive Freedom forAll Act!! Insist Congress pass the President’s budget request to increase fundingfor the Social Security Administration; Demand legislation to cap the price ofInsulin for ALL!!A. Get our Senators […]

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FEDERAL ACTION ALERT – September 10, 2022

Produced by The Legislative Committee of the Coconino County Democratic Party and Democrats of the Red Rocks THIS WEEK’S ALERTS: Demand that our Representatives PASS the Respect forMarriage Act!!; Insist that our Representatives support and pass the DISCLOSEACT; Support and reach out to thank our veterans and active duty militarypersonnel!!; We need our Representatives to […]

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Biden’s Achievements Approach FDR’s

The bill that passed the House yesterday and the Senate earlier in the week, and which President Biden will sign soon, is a very big deal. The “Inflation Reduction Act” is another triumph executed without any GOP support and a significant step forward in combatting climate change, providing more affordable healthcare, and making our tax […]

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