Swamp Spending: Your Tax Dollars NOT at Work

Trump  He’s set the tone for this wasteful spending by spending tens of millions in taxpayer money on his weekly excursions to his golf clubs and resorts. His Mar-a-Lago trips cost an estimated $3 million each – he has been there 16 times since becoming president. Scott Pruitt Reporting shows that Pruitt has lived in […]

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Scott Pruitt Is Carrying Out His E.P.A. Agenda in Secret – Demand Congressional Oversight!

Trump’s EPA head has made it clear that his mission is to dismantle the E.P.A.’s environmental mission. His critics say he is deploying extraordinary secrecy as he does so. Pruitt has resisted Congressional oversight — it’s time we demand he be hauled before Congress to explain himself. Contact Congressman O’Halleran, Senator McCain, Senator Flake. Background: […]

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