While there are sixty days until November 6 — Election Day — there are only 33 days to go until people start voting in this important midterm election. Procrastination time is over.
Voters have chosen our candidates and they are all eminently more qualified to represent our values than their Republican opponents. Now is the time to make sure that we do everything we can, use every ounce of energy we have, so that we do not wake up on November 7 and ask ourselves — what if I had done something more? Here are some things you can do.
1. If you are a precinct committee person, make sure you are canvassing. Contact your Regional Captain or Area Coordinator for direction.
2. If you are not a precinct committee person and want to canvass, contact our office and we will direct you to the place you are most needed at the moment, whether it is working with some of our precinct people, the LD-6 campaign, or with the Coordinated Campaign staff. You can fill out this form or call 928-214-0393.
3. If you want to do phone calls from your home or a Democratic Party Office, let us know and we’ll hook you up with the LD-6 or 4th Street campaigns. You can fill out this form or call 928-214-0393.
4. If you want to work at one of our voter information/registration tables, fill out this form.
5. If you want to make buttons, stuff envelopes, pack boxes, cut literature or do the other necessary drudgery that makes campaigns successful, fill out this form.
6. Help spread the word about why #MidtermsMatter. Visit our Facebook Page and Twitter Feed regularly and share what you see there (both can be found by searching @CoconinoDemocrats)
7. Talk to voters and non-voters alike — we need NEW voters. Visit our website to learn about our candidates, the propositions (that page is a work in progress), and the issues at stake. Take a look at our Sample Ballot.
8. Donate to keep our operation going (because the rent still needs to be paid after the Election and we need to go forward to 2020).
9. Host a volunteer from out-of-state. Hundreds want to help turn AZ Blue — we just need to give them a place to sleep and shower. Fill out this form.
10. Volunteer to be a partisan poll watcher on Election Day. Read more here
Tick-tock — do something right now.
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