Coconino County Democratic
Here is the contact information for our Legislators:
LD 1 – Mark Finchem 602-926-3631
LD 7 – Wendy Rogers 602-926-3042
LD 6 – Theresa Hatathlie 602-926-5160
President Warren Petersen 602-926-4136
Majority Ldr Janae Shamp 602-926-3499
Minority Ldr Priya Sundareshan 602-926-3437
LD 1 – Selina Bliss 602-926-4018
LD 1 – Quang Nguyen 602-926-3258
LD 7 – Walt Blackman 602-926-3244
LD 7 – David Marshall 602-926-3579
LD 6 – Mae Peshlakai 602-926-3708
LD 6 – Myron Tsosie 602-926-3157
Speaker Steve Montenegro 602-926-3635
Majority Ldr Michael Carbone 602-926-4038
Minority Ldr Oscar De Los Santos 602-926-4098
E-Mail Contact for Governor Katie Hobbs:
E-Mail Contacts for Governor Hobbs Staff:
SB 1024 – OPPOSE – ROGERS – Allows state agencies to enter into agreements with cryptocurrency service providers. These devices use enormous amounts of energy and are highly speculative.
SB 1025 – OPPOSE – ROGERS – Would allow Arizona State Retirement System and Public Safety Personnel Retirement System to invest up to 10% of public monies into cryptocurrency holdings!
SB 1026 – OPPOSE – ROGERS – Would exempt cryptocurrencies from property tax.
SCR 1001 – OPPOSE – ROGERS – Would exempt cryptocurrencies from property tax and place the measure on the 2026 ballot.
SB 1052 – OPPOSE – ROGERS – Takes away US citizens’ eligibility to vote if they have never resided in the US!
SB 1020 – OPPOSE – ROGERS – Would prohibit universities and community colleges from banning ANYONE with a concealed weapons permit from possessing, storing or transporting guns on campus.
SB 1133 – OPPOSE – ROGERS – Would create a new section of state law that would require the State Board of Education teach certain things. State lawmakers should not be mandating curriculum – that’s a job for qualified educators.
HB 2090 – OPPOSE – Would circumvent existing law that limits the development of subdivisions and avoid restrictions on building characteristics and water resource requirements.
HB 2091 – OPPOSE – Would allow the splitting of lots in opposition to local zoning requirements.
HB 2093 – OPPOSE – Would change the penalty for subdivision violations to $2,000 per lot rather than $2,000 per violation.
SB 1068 – OPPOSE – Would require the governor and legislature approve any sale or transfer of private land to the federal government. Ridiculous!
HB 2319 – OPPOSE – Significantly limits cities’ ability to adopt regulations that affect individually owned single family lots. The language is overly broad and could undermine protections for the larger community.
SB 1100 – OPPOSE – Would shrink Maricopa County to reduce the county’s political influence.
SB 1101 – OPPOSE – Would split Maricopa County into four counties – with all Democrats crammed into one of the new county divisions.
HCR 2041 – OPPOSE – Would ask voters to support an Article V constitutional convention – nominally to propose congressional term limits be added to the constitution. However, there is NO WAY to limit the scope of such a convention – it would lead to a total rewrite of our constitution.
SB 1115 – OPPOSE – Would require Arizona Department of Water Resources to adopt homebuilder calculations of water demand for home building projects.
SB 1116- OPPOSE – Would require the Arizona Department of Water Resources to adopt additional administrative steps to respond to developer’s water demand/resource models.
SB 1128 – OPPOSE – Would require the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality to consider taxpayer interests and other extraneous factors rather than public health (as required by the Clean Air Act) when evaluating systems impact on air quality.
SB 1134 – OPPOSE – Would shorten the time frames that Arizona Department of Water Resources has to evaluate water supply quantities to a point where effective analysis can not be completed.
HB 2088 – OPPOSE – Would remove an active water management area designation for areas around Douglas and Willcox to, it assumed, allow for expanded development. There is no need for this and once an area is under water management it needs to remain.
HB 2089 – OPPOSE – Would allow voters to remove an area from water management every 10 years.
BH 2202 – OPPOSE – Would allow previously unirrigated land to become irrigated thus increasing ground water pumping.
HB 2203 – OPPOSE – Would allow land to be irrigated if it had been irrigated at any time in the last 10 years (rather then the current requirement of 5 years). Would lead to increased ground water pumping.
HB 2549 – OPPOSE – Would allow the use of taxpayer funds by developers to develop legal challenges to groundwater protections.
SB 1092 – OPPOSE – Would prohibit any limits on vehicle miles traveled or any travel reduction program in attempting to address air quality issues.
SCR 1004 – OPPOSE – Would put the restrictions from SB 1092 on the 2026 ballot.
HB 2084 – OPPOSE – Would allow for the formation of a domestic water improvement district for purposes of hauling water.
HB 2099 – OPPOSE – Requires the Governor and Attorney General to cooperate with the federal government on immigration issues – deportations.
HB 2004 – OPPOSE – Prohibits County recorders from mailing voter registration cards to people out of state.
HB 2005 – OPPOSE – Allows County recorders to more easily move voters to inactive status – because they “think” the information may be inaccurate.
HB 2673 – OPPOSE – Makes it easier to remove people from the active early voting list.
HCR 2013 – OPPOSE – Same as HB 2673 but puts it on the 2026 ballot.
HB 2673 – OPPOSE – Would restrict early ballot drop-offs to the Friday before election day and would require early voters to reconfirm their address every year.
HCR 2013 – OPPOSE – Same as HB 2673 but would put it on the 2026 ballot.
SB 1091 – OPPOSE – Would require ballots in school district bond and override elections to show how much voters’ taxes would drop if they refuse to adopt these continuations. Designed to discourage voters from supporting education.
SB 1011 – OPPOSE – Would ban voters from dropping off their early ballots after 7PM on the Friday before election day beginning in 2026. Voters would have to instead void their early ballots, present ID, sign a scary affidavit warning of felony jail time and vote a new ballot In person. Polls show that 85% of voters oppose this proposal.
SB 1041 – SUPPORT – Would allow school board candidates to use Arizona’s electronic signature portal, E-Qual, to gather signatures.
HB 2007 – OPPOSE – Would make it illegal for anyone to receive money or other compensation for registering people to vote.
HB 2008 – OPPOSE – Would require notaries to obtain fingerprint clearance cards and to provide their thumbprints with each notarization. This to be done at the notaries expense.
HB 2017 – OPPOSE – Would ban voting centers in Arizona and return the state to precinct-based voting. Voting centers allow voters to vote regardless of what precinct they live in in the county.
HCR 2002 – OPPOSE – Same as HB 2017 but to be put on the 2026 ballot.
HB 2213 – SUPPORT – Would fund free school lunches for children whose families meet the federal income requirements for free or reduced-price lunches – cost is about $3.8 million per year.
SB 1090 – OPPOSE – Would put Arizona public school teachers (but not teachers at ESA-funded private schools) behind bars if they teach material the lawmakers consider “sexually explicit”. State law already exists prohibiting showing pornography to children. This is a book ban.
SB 1099 – OPPOSE – Would ban the teaching of a broadly and poorly defined definition of “sexually explicit materials”. Would result in the inability to teach many classic works of literature from Shakespear to Maya Angelou.
SB 1028 – OPPOSE – Would reinstate statewide testing to graduate from high school. This was overwhelmingly repealed in 2015 by Republicans. At that time it was determined such a requirement was without merit and placed the responsibility and stress on individual students for the success of their education. Other states have repealed similar requirements.
HB 2018 – OPPOSE – Would allow private and for-profit universities in Arizona to draw from $20 million in tax-payer funded money to provide teacher training programs. Our public universities in Arizona do a more efficient job of providing education to a wider range of students with fewer dollars. This bill represents not only privatization but poor value for tax money.
HB 2022 – OPPOSE – Would allow K-12 public and private schools to authorize employees to carry firearms on school grounds. The specific employees carrying would remain confidential to both parents an police. These employees would also have immunity from any liability during emergencies.
HB 2373 – OPPOSE – Would require schools to respond within 15 days to a parent’s request for special education evaluation – even during summer vacations.
HB 2055 – OPPOSE – Would gut Arizona’s already weak state vaccination requirements, allowing anyone to claim an exemption if the vaccine available does not meet a list of specific criteria.
HB 2058 – OPPOSE – Would allow students over 18 to exempt themselves from school vaccine requirements simply by submitting a signed “personal belief” statement.
HB 2063 – OPPOSE – Would require any communications regarding school immunization requirements to include information about the exemptions allowed by law. Designed to encourage exemptions and will negatively impact public health.
SB 1002 – OPPOSE – Would ban teachers from using a student’s chosen pronouns without written parental permission.
SB 1003 – OPPOSE – Would ban trans kids from using the school bathrooms, changing facilities and “sleeping quarters” that align with their gender identities.
HB 2062 – OPPOSE – Would remove any reference to gender in Arizona law and replace it with “Sex”, defined as the male or female label assigned at birth. This would eliminate any legal recognition of transgender people and raise the risk of their experiencing violence.
HB 2113 – OPPOSE – Would ban the display of certain flags on public property in Arizona, such as LGBTQ+Pride and Black Lives Matter flags. This banning is designed to prevent the promotion of “divisive messages”.
HB 2031 – OPPOSE – Repeals the Arizona Commission for the Arts and the Arts Trust Fund – only state sponsored funding stream for the Arts.
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