Federal Action Alert – April 24, 2023

Produced by the Legislative Committee of the Coconino County Democratic Party and Democrats of the Red Rocks


Produced by Democrats of the Red Rocks and Coconino County Democratic Party

A. Demand our House Representative support the EACH Act!!! The Each Act is the Equal
Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance. This is the first piece of abortion
access legislation introduced in the new Congress. It would end the Hyde Amendment –
an archaic, decades-old provision that bans abortion coverage for people enrolled in
Medicaid and other federal programs – and the EACH Act would prohibit the federal
government from interfering with private insurance companies that choose to cover
abortion care. Insist that our representative support the EACH Act!!

B. Demand our House Representative denounce his support for H.R. 734 – Anti
Transgender bill!!! This bill is a cruel and discriminatory distraction that benefits no
one. It only harms young people at a time when they are facing an epidemic of gun
violence in schools, a shortage of quality teachers and unacceptably high levels of
depression, anxiety and suicide ideation. This is the first stand-alone anti-transgender
legislation ever passed in either chamber of Congress. It implements a nationwide band
on trans-students participating in school sports. We need to come together to resist
this discrimination against our young people. Demand Eli Crane denounce this travesty
of a bill!!

C. Ask President Biden to support the proposed new rules to be released by the
Department of Education regarding Title IX and protections from discrimination for
transgender student athletes. When the rules take effect, every blanket ban – in 20
states – will clearly be illegal. We need to ensure that the rules ensure: 1. All
transgender students – at every age and in every sport – will be presumed eligible, 2.
That schools cannot limit a student’s participation on a team solely because they are
transgender, 3. Schools are prohibited from relying on justifications against participation
that are transphobic. Now is the time to ensure that all of our kids get the dignity and
respect they deserve!!

D. Demand our House and Senate Representatives support an assault-weapons ban
ASAP!! In 2023 there have already been at least 160 mass shootings across the country.
A number of these senseless acts of gun violence were carried out with assault weapons
– weapons specifically designed to kill people as quickly as possible. Now, too often
these weapons are being fired in schools, grocery stores and places of worship. It is
past time for action to stand up to the gun lobby and ban the sale of assault weapons
in this country!!!!

Sen. Mark Kelly: Call (202) 224-2235 (DC); Email via his website at
https://www.kelly.senate.gov/contact/. Tag the Senator at @senmarkkelly.
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema: Call (202) 224-4521 (DC) or (602) 598-7327. Email via her website at https://www.sinema.senate.gov/contact-kyrsten. Tag the Senator at @senatorsinema.
Rep. Eli Crane: Call (202) 225-3361 (DC) or email via website at
https://crane.house.gov/contact. Tag the Congressman @RepEliCrane

President Biden: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

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