FEDERAL ACTION ALERT – October 21, 2024

Produced by Coconino County Democratic Party

  1. Ask our Members of Congress to support the Global Health Empowerment and Rights Act (Global HER) ASAP!  This is a critical bill that would permanently prevent future U.S. Presidents from imposing the harmful Global Gag Rule (GGR).  The GGR has been used as a political tool to strip U.S. funding from international healthcare providers if they offer or advocate for abortion services, even if funded independently.  This policy not only restricts essential sexual and reproductive healthcare services but also silences advocacy and limits access to life-saving services.  It disproportionately harms women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals and contributes to unsafe abortions.  Research has shown that when the GGR is in effect, abortion rates actually increase – up to 40% in some countries. Hence this policy works exactly opposite its intended goals.  Passing the Global HER Act would ensure that this damaging policy never returns, protecting sexual and reproductive health and rights for future generations worldwide!! Demand our representatives support this effort!!

B Urge the Biden-Harris administration to create an Office of Small Farms to serve people who feed us and protect our environment!!  Smaller farms are more likely to be owned by under-represented farmers engaging in climate-friendly practices but who have been historically excluded from USDA programs.  The USDA Equity Commission recommended the creation of an Office of Small Farms to correct this historic discrimination.  Providing equal service to small farms is a matter of justice.  The creation of such an office would repair harm done by the USDA to past generations and protects future generations in equal measure.  Instead of telling small farmers by the USDA to “get big or get out”, ask the Biden-Harris administration to secure a proud legacy by establishing the Office of Small Farms ASAP!

Sen. Mark Kelly: Call (202) 224-2235 (DC); Email via his website at https://www.kelly.senate.gov/contact/. Tag the Senator at @senmarkkelly.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema:  Call (202) 224-4521 (DC) or (602) 598-7327. Email via her website at https://www.sinema.senate.gov/contact-kyrsten. Tag the Senator at @senatorsinema.

Rep. Eli Crane: Call (202) 225-3361 (DC) or email via website at https://crane.house.gov/contact. Tag the Congressman @RepEliCrane

President Biden: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House,

202-225-2777 (DC) or email via website at:


Tag the Congressman @RepMikeJohnson

Senator Mitch McConnell:

Email: https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=ContactForm

Call: 202-224-2541

Ro Khanna email: https://khanna.house.gov/contact/write-to-ro

Phone: 202-225-2631

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