Where’s the GOP Budget Plan?

By Ann Heitland, Past Chair Through all the smoke the House Republicans have blown since they took over the U.S. House in January, they have made no headway on their most clearly established constitutional duty. That is the duty to raise revenue for the functioning of the federal government. The Origination Clause is Article I, […]

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Praise for Biden Budget

By Ann Heitland, Past Chair Last week, President Biden introduced a budget grounded in a vision of the United States based on the idea that the government should invest in workers, families, and infrastructure to increase the purchasing power of our citizens. This plan is a stark contrast to the efforts of Republicans since the 1980s, […]

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Year One Was Great

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the Biden Administration. Remember where you were one year ago today. The pandemic was one year old. Unemployment was disastrous. Schools and businesses were closed. Only a few healthcare workers had gotten COVID vaccines. What a difference a year makes! Here’s some of what the Biden/Harris administration and Democrats […]

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50 Things That Are Better Already

Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post Columnist President Biden has not completed his first week in office, but already there is much to celebrate. Let’s count the ways: 1. You can ignore Twitter 2. The White House briefing room is not an Orwellian nightmare of lies 3. We are now confronting white domestic terrorism 4. We are not paying for golf trips […]

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Joe Biden on the Passing of Justice Ginsberg

For many of us, especially older women and many lawyers of both sexes, the passing of Justice Ginsberg feels like a very personal loss. In 1972, Ginsburg co-founded the Women’s Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union and from there changed the way women fit into American society. In 1980, she joined the U.S. Court […]

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Biden’s Not Going to Raise Your Taxes! That’s a bunch of malarkey!

Unless you make over $400,000 per year, Biden’s tax plan will not hurt you in spite of Republican distortions. “Nobody making under 400,000 bucks would have their taxes raised, period, bingo.” — Biden, interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” May 22 Biden has pledged to reverse much of Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations to fund, […]

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