Early voting begins Wednesday, October 10. Early voting by Democrats is a key element in our plan to win in Arizona. Early voting is a right and privilege given to Arizonans by law — let’s exercise it! This blog post explains why and how.
At first blush, it may not seem to matter when you vote, as long as you vote before polls close on Election Day. Consider, however, how our Get-Out-The-Vote strategy works: We start with a large universe of millions of Arizona Democrats — thousands in Coconino County alone. Many of these potential Democratic voters vote sporadically — they vote in some elections and not others and they need to be nudged to make a plan to get to the polls. We have hundreds of field workers and volunteers working to provide that nudge. On October 10, the universe of voters that needs to be contacted is huge and some of those voters may need to be contacted more than once. As ballots come into the Elections Office, they are reported to the party on a daily basis and we remove them from the universe of voters to be contacted. Over time until Election Day, the universe gets smaller — though it’s never going to be small enough and our canvassers will always have too much to do. When you vote early and take yourself off the canvassing lists, you help our GOTV effort by reducing the amount of work that needs to be done.
There are two ways to vote early: (1) If you get your ballot by mail, return it as soon as you can. (2) Go to an Early Voting Site and vote in person. The County Elections Department has established eight Early Voting Sites around the county. Their locations and hours are listed here. There are two EVS’s in Flagstaff — one at the Flagstaff Mall next to J.C. Penny’s and one at 110 E. Cherry in downtown Flagstaff. So, no excuses, get it done early!
Need help with those pesky propositions? Read our page with arguments for and against and the Coconino County Democratic Party’s recommendations. And for a complete list of our recommendations on candidates and ballot propositions, read our Sample Ballot.
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