Federal Action Alert – March 26, 2023

Produced by the Legislative Committee of the Coconino County Democratic Party and Democrats of the Red Rocks


Produced by Democrats of the Red Rocks and Coconino County Democratic Party

A. Ask our Representatives to pass a STRONG 2023 Farm Bill to support people facing
hunger. The farm bill is the cornerstone anti-hunger legislation at the national level.
Every five years, Congress has the chance to strengthen critical federal nutritional
programs. These include the Emergency Food Assistance (TEFAP) which sends food
from farms to food banks – critical assistance. Also, the Supplementation Nutrition
Assistance Program (SNAP) which provides monthly grocery assistance to 40 million
people. And the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) which sends boxes of
nutritious food to seniors. Insist our Representatives support a STRONG Farm Bill in

B. Demand our House Representative support the EACH Act!!! The Each Act is the Equal
Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance. This is the first piece of abortion
access legislation introduced in the new Congress. It would end the Hyde Amendment –
an archaic, decades-old provision that bans abortion coverage for people enrolled in
Medicaid and other federal programs – and the EACH Act would prohibit the federal
government from interfering with private insurance companies that choose to cover
abortion care. Insist that our representative support the EACH Act!!

C. Send a big THANK YOU to President Biden for preserving thousands of acres of animal
habitat!! Thanks to the persistence of indigenous and community leaders in Nevada
and Texas, President Biden just announced permanent protections for hundreds of
thousands of acres that make up the Avi Kwa Ame region in Southern Nevada and the
Castner Range in Texas. The Avi Kwa Ame region spans 500,000 acres in southern
Nevada and is a critical migration and survival habitat for wildlife. The Castner Range is
home to a variety of endangered plants, wildlife and ecosystems. It is near the Franklin
Mountain State Park and the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument. This
area supports important wildlife migration corridors for mule deer, mountain lions and
javelina and more. Let President Biden know how important these preservation
efforts are.

D. Demand our Representatives strengthen the Equal Pay Act!! The Equal Pay Act has
been the law for more than 50 years – BUT it needs to be updated and strengthened.
The pay gap is huge!! Women make 84 cents for every dollar paid to men, moms make
74 cents for every dollar paid to dads, black women are paid 67 cents for every dollar
paid to with, non-Hispanic men, Native women are paid 57 cents for every dollar paid to
white, non-Hispanic men, Latina women are paid 57 cents for every dollar paid to white,
non-Hispanic men!! It’s time to pay women what they deserve!! Let our Representatives know how you feel!!

Sen. Mark Kelly: Call (202) 224-2235 (DC); Email via his website at
https://www.kelly.senate.gov/contact/. Tag the Senator at @senmarkkelly.
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema: Call (202) 224-4521 (DC) or (602) 598-7327. Email via her website at https://www.sinema.senate.gov/contact-kyrsten. Tag the Senator at @senatorsinema.
Rep. Eli Crane: Call (202) 225-3361 (DC) or email via website at
https://crane.house.gov/contact. Tag the Congressman @RepEliCrane

President Biden: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

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