Legislative Alert!

USE Request to Speak or Contact Your Legislators by Email or Phone:

            SB1320 – Senate Finance Committee – Moves responsibility for Audits of ESA’s (Educations Scholarship Accounts) to the State Treasurer from the Department Of Education.  Would significantly reduce the effectiveness of any audits done. OPPOSE

            SB1395 – Senate Finance Committee – Requires some kind of standardized test to be taken by ESA recipients.  However the bill is very detailed and needs careful monitoring.  Let them know you are keeping an eye on this one.

            HB2142 – House Transportation Committee – Will exempt the homeless from having to pay fees for driver licenses or renewals.  SUPPORT

            SB1166 – Finance Committee – Tax conformity bill – Plan B – another attempt to provide tax cuts of $150 to $230 million and reduce the general funds that could be used for education and other worthwhile needs.  Similar bill vetoed by Governor Ducey on February 1.  OPPOSE

            HB2359 – Appropriations Committee – Allows Arizonans to deduct not only their standard deduction but also to add to it any donations made to charity (if they didn’t itemize).  Results in “double dipping” and further reduces the general fund.  OPPOSE

            HB2365 – House Ways and Means Committee – Allows a state tax credit (dollar for dollar) for corporations or individuals who invest in a low income housing project.  Reduces the general fund of money that could be used to provide low income individuals with housing supplemental income. OPPOSE

            SB1300 – Senate Finance Committee – Expands property tax exemption to non-profit property that is used to provide low income housing.  SUPPORT

            HB2275 – House Ways and Means Committee – Tax exemption for a number of crop production materials.  Reduces general fund.  OPPOSE

Contact Senators to Oppose Voter Suppression bills which are ready for Senate Vote at any time:

            SB1072 – Requires photo ID at Voting Centers.

            SB1090 – Strip county recorders of ability to institute emergency voting centers.

            Reach out to Sylvia Allen                    602-926-5409


            Karen Fann, Senate President             602-926-5874


There are four ERA bills in the Arizona Legislature:

            HCR2028, SCR1009, SCR1006, HCR2030

            Eddie Farnsworth, Senate President Pro Tem, has bottled up two of these bills in his committee, Senate Judiciary, and will not even grant them a hearing!  Contact:

            Senator Farnsworth at 602-926-5735 or

            ERA Talking Points:

It’s not right that a single person can hold hostage the Constitutional Equality of 161 million women, including over 3.5 million in Arizona.

According to the League of Women Voters, 91% of Republicans support the ERA, 92% of Independents and 98% of Democrats support it.

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