Nationwide Call to Action on Health Care

The American people sent a clear message to Senate Republicans last month and forced them to delay their vote on the original repeal bill to take away health care from millions. But let’s be clear–this fight is nowhere near over. Democrats need to continue organizing, making calls and knocking on doors to make it loud and clear that health care is a right for all, not a privilege for a wealthy few.

Polling shows that only 12% of Americans support the previous Senate health care repeal bill, and the CBO confirmed that under current law the health insurance markets will remain stable.

Make calls, write emails, send faxes:

  • Republicans should stop their attempts to take away health care from millions and work with Democrats to improve upon the ACA.
  • This bill is dangerous for American families.

Make your voice heard and call your Senator by using the DNC call tool at

In addition to our Senators McCain and Flake, these Senators need to hear your voice the most: Heller (NV); Collins (ME);  Murkowski (AK); Cruz (TX); Corker (TN); Portman (OH)

Read more about the latest health care bill.

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