For the People Act in Detail

State legislators have introduced at least 361 bills with restrictive voting provisions in 47 of the 50 states. Some of these bills have already been enacted, including in Arizona. That’s why we need the US Senate to approve the For the People Act (SB1), which will standardize fair voting procedures for the nation. But what is in […]

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Stop Voter Suppression

With the American Rescue Plan set to address the economic and health crises, it’s now time to turn to the For the People and John Lewis Voting Rights Acts. The bills pushed by Republican legislators to suppress votes create the same level of crisis for our constitutional democracy as COVID caused our health and economy. […]

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Arizona Senators should support “For the People Act”

Sep 8, 2019 Our democratic government and society depend upon the integrity of our elections. I believe that all of us, regardless of political party, desire the continued ability to participate in, and trust the results of, our open elections. Yet many states have failed to take steps to assure the security of ballots, and […]

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