What Democrats Believe on Taxes

What Dems Believe on Taxes

  • Republicans need to get serious about actual tax reform and join Democrats in promising that not one penny in tax cuts should go to giant corporations or the 1%.
  • Democrats know that our elected officials are supposed to serve the people they represent.  That’s why we will continue fighting for the economic security and opportunity every family deserves.
  • At a time of massive income inequality and near-record corporate profits, Democrats believe the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations must pay their fair share of taxes.
  • We need to offer tax relief to middle-class families—not those at the top.

 We will work to deliver tax relief to hard-working, middle-class families being squeezed by rising health care, childcare, education, and other expenses.  This is part of our Mission to “Protect the American Dream, the American Worker, and the Future of our Children.”

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