Call, Write, Fax: It Matters That We Stop the Tax Bill

Newsweek just named Jeff Flake and John McCain as two of only a small handful of Senators who could kill Trump’s terrible tax bill. These are our Senators and they will listen to YOU more than anyone from any other state. Call, write, and Resistbot (Text 504-09) or fax.

Tell them to get off the fence and onto the side of the Middle Class.  Share a personal story or ask them to just say no to the unfairness of this bill.

  • At least one in four middle-class Americans will see their taxes increase under the House Republicans’ tax bill.
  • The Senate tax bill will increase taxes on families earning between $10,000 and $75,000 over the next decade, on average.
  • As a whole, Americans will be worse off in just a few years than if Congress had done nothing.

Republicans have also proposed making medical costs more expensive for families, increasing student loan costs, eliminating a tax deduction for teachers, and making it harder to buy a home.

While millions of Americans would pay more in taxes, the Republican tax plan provides trillions of dollars in giveaways to wealthy corporations and billionaires.

House Republicans want to increase the budget deficit by up to $2 trillion to pay for tax breaks for corporations and the very wealthy.

While the rich get a massive giveaway, Republicans are throwing working people and families under the bus by cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, and other programs Americans rely on.  Watch Sen. Claire McCaskill do the numbers.

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