COVID-19 Impact

Our primary concern regarding the coronavirus pandemic is the health and safety of our volunteers, precinct committee persons, employees, and interns. We are considering advice from the Coconino County Health Department and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). We are coordinating activities with campaigns, the Arizona Democratic Party, and the Arizona Legislative Campaign Committee.

This is the most important election of our lifetime and we are going to be campaigning in unprecedented and challenging conditions. We will not let a worldwide pandemic stop us! We will be looking for new and creative ways to get our message out. Look for ways to be involved; learn new ways to have contact with voters. Commit to win!

Office Hours

We are taking precautions to clean and disinfect the office and, starting today, we will not be holding any large meetings in the office. Please do not come to the office unless your business is essential.

Update 3/18/2020: Our office is offering limited services by appointment. If you need us, please email or call 928-214-0393.

Meeting this Saturday at Murdoch – Zoom Option!

Our Saturday, March 14, Coconino Democratic Action Meeting will proceed as scheduled; however, our by-laws allow attendance and voting via Zoom and we have set up a Zoom meeting link for PCs and volunteers, which has been distributed by email. Join this meeting where we elect a new officer, hear from candidates, and announce plans for the coming months!


We and the Arizona Democratic Party recommend that all canvassing stop for the time being. We are working with candidates to consider safety precautions going forward. Some candidates still need signatures to get on the ballot (before the April 6 filing deadline), so they cannot suspend canvassing. (Ballot propositions have an additional three months beyond the candidate filing deadline.)

If you choose to canvass, we urge you to consider your health and take these precautions based upon CDC recommendations:

  1. Stay home if you are sick.
  2. If you are at risk (over 60 or with certain health conditions), stay home.
  3. Don’t shake hands. If someone offers their hand, smile and say you’re following health recommendations from the CDC.
  4. Carry hand sanitizer and use it often, including to wipe off the pen you are using if you are gathering signatures. (Or buy a box of pens and have the voter pull a pen from the box, sign, and keep the pen.)
  5. When you finish canvassing, immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  6. If you can’t wash your hands before re-entering your personal space (car, home, or dorm room), use hand-sanitizer before touching anything in your personal space and then wash your hands ASAP.

Signing Candidate Petitions On-Line

Please sign petitions for Mark Kelly and our LD-6 candidates, Felicia French and Coral Evans, online at the Secretary of State website. You will need to know your Drivers’ License number to sign-in! Here’s how it works:

  1. Open this link.  It’s part of the Arizona Secretary of State website.
  2. Apply to sign candidate petitions by filling in the fields:  Driver’s License Number, Birth Date, and Name.
  3. Check your address.
  4. This will get you to a slate of candidates that you are eligible to sign for.  Using your address and driver’s license number, the system knows your Arizona Legislative District and your US Congressional district.   You click on the candidate’s name to “sign” their petition.  

Future Meetings and Events

Our Executive Committee is monitoring this situation closely and will be making announcements regarding future events, including the Roosevelt-Kennedy Dinner, soon.

March 13 Update: We have postponed the dinner portion of our Roosevelt-Kennedy Dinner. The auction will still take place beginning March 28, online. Details here.

We Will Prevail

While this health emergency is forcing unprecedented adjustments across the country, it is paramount that we remain calm and stay healthy because we have a big job ahead of us. It is critical that we pull together, persist, and win this election. Stay healthy and stay in touch!

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