Federal Action Alert – May 8, 2022

Produced by Coconino County Democratic Party and Democrats of the Red Rocks

A. Reproductive rights and the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion: urge passage of the
Women’s Health Protection Act
B. Join the National Day of Action to demonstrate how radically the leaked Supreme Court
draft opinion differs from public support for reproductive rights
C. Express your disappointment and anger to Mark Kelly for voting to preclude President
Biden from declaring a national emergency due to climate change.

A. Urge Senators Sinema and Kelly to do all that is possible to pass the Women’s Health
Protection Act (S. 1975), including the elimination of the filibuster.

The leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion reversing Roe v. Wade has horrified and alarmed many, both for its departure from the “settled law of the land” protecting the right to safe and legal abortion AND for the potential follow-on impacts to other civil rights based on right to privacy and self-determination, from marriage equality to contraception. Much background information on the language in this draft and its implications for civil rights can be found at www.brennancenter.org . Current legislative efforts to protect the right to privacy and to self-determination for pregnant people are centered on S. 1975, the Women’s Health Protection Act. Both our Senators have signed on as co-sponsors. However, the legislation has been stalled in the Senate by the threat of filibuster.
Sample voice mail or email to our Senators: “My name is XXX and I’m a voter and resident of <zip code>. I was dismayed by last week’s leaked draft of the Supreme Court opinion proposing to reverse Roe v. Wade. Like the large majority of Americans, I support a woman’s right to privacy and to make her own choices regarding health, medically-advised procedures, and bodily autonomy. I know you have signed as a co-sponsor of the Women’s Health Protection Act – but now is the time to make sure this crucial bill is taken up and passed by the Senate. Please do whatever you can – provide the leadership to find bipartisan support, as you do on other issues. And pursue the modification or elimination of the filibuster to help this move forward. I reject the argument that the filibuster somehow helps to preserve democracy – it is obvious that it is being used to suppress the will of the majority, in this and other cases. I urge you to act boldly to protect the most basic of our rights – the right to personal bodily autonomy.”
Sen. Mark Kelly: Call (202) 224-2235 (DC),  Email via his website at http://www.kelly.senate.gov Tag the Senator at @senmarkkelly.
Sen. Sinema:  Call (202) 224-4521 (DC) or (602) 598-7327.  Email via her website at
“http://www.sinema.senate.gov”  Tag the Senator at @senatorsinema .

B. Join the National Day of Action to demonstrate the strength of public support for
reproductive rights.

There will be a national protest event on Saturday, May 14 that is being coordinated by Indivisible, Planned Parenthood, and others. In Flagstaff, the event will be a march from the Murdoch Center to Aspen Place and back. The march will begin at noon at the Murdoch Center. Additional details will be forthcoming this week so stay tuned. Here is a link to some ideas for signs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KzSoGzE2DoqWrROC3nqIkWM8p_MExGHB

C. Express your disapproval of Mark Kelly’s decision to vote for a Republican non-binding measure to prevent President Biden from declaring a Climate Change emergency.

This past week, Mark Kelly joined with Joe Manchin to vote with ALL Republicans on a non-binding resolution that is aimed at barring President Biden from declaring a climate emergency. The motion states that Biden “cannot use climate change as the basis to declare a national emergency.”
According to Jean Su, Energy Justice director at the Center for Biological Diversity, “It’s disgraceful that every Republican senator thinks that the greatest threat to our planet and our children’s futures shouldn’t be treated like the emergency it is. This vote shows how terrified the fossil fuel industry is of President Biden using his inherent powers to stem fossil fuels, and the stranglehold the industry has over the Republican Party, not to mention Joe Manchin.” And it would seem Mark Kelly!!! Call Mark
Kelly to let him know how disappointed and angry you are!!

Sen. Mark Kelly: Call (202) 224-2235 (DC),  Email via his website at http://www.kelly.senate.gov Tag the Senator at @senmarkkelly.

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