Supervisors not up to par with students

That was a very nice front page article in the Thursday, Jan. 17 edition concerning the water ethic contest participated in by fourth-graders to raise awareness about the importance of water conservation. It was also nice that the Board of Supervisors attended the award event that was held to recognize the contest participants.

The students did a great job and seem to have a firm grip on the practicalities of water conservation. Unfortunately, as was illustrated by the board’s decision to allow potable water to be used for snowmaking at Fort Tuthill, the board members are not up to par with the students.

Perhaps school district managers, seeing the ignorance and hypocrisy here, will allow board members to enroll with the hope and expectation that they will be motivated to enter the contest next year. Lucky for the board members that the next opportunity for them to attend the fourth grade will be in the fall, which should provide them ample time for tutoring so that they will be able to catch up with their future classmates, and to comprehend the information offered them, including the importance of water conservation.


From AZ Daily Sun January 27, 2019

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