Trump’s Torrent of Lies on Coronavirus

In last night’s ABC town hall, President Trump spewed so much disinformation on coronavirus that it was hard to keep up.


“There are nearly 200,000 people dead from covid. Asked if he can think of anything that he could have done better, Trump says no.”


Trump: “Yeah, well, I didn’t downplay it. I actually, in many ways, I up-played it” 


“Trump is criticizing Biden, who isn’t president, for not finding a way to implement a national mask mandate, on ABC Town Hall.”


Trump: “They talked about don’t wear masks, and now they say wear masks, although some people say don’t wear masks.”


“Woman at ABC town hall asks Trump why he doesn’t wear a mask often. Trump: ‘A lot of people don’t want to wear masks and people don’t think masks are good.’ Stephanopoulos asks who. Trump cites wait staff at restaurants.”


“Trump just said the coronavirus will ‘disappear’ without a vaccine because of ‘herd mentality’”

It’s been 202 days since President Trump said we’d soon have zero cases in the U.S. We now have more than 6.7 million cases and 200,000 deaths.

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