The last Board mtg was 3/23. What follows is part of the agenda items for the April 6th Board mtg: Interesting that Coconino County Republican Party is submitting the following names for precinct members
- Consideration and possible action to appoint Heather Ruth Scott, Precinct 15; Amy Jo Tilly, Precinct 16; Dawn D. Brewton, Precinct 24; Kathy A. Becker, Precinct 92; Gail Martha Tobin, Precinct 79; Philip H. Goldblatt, Precinct 22; Rainey M.W. Oliver, Precinct 25; Margaret S. Tosi, Precinct 50; Intisaar Victoria Cook, Precinct 86; Deborrah Kay Xanders, Precinct 62; Melanie E. Campbell, Precinct 92, as Republican Precinct Committeepersons, each for a term to expire on October 1, 2022.
For Coconino County’s Covid progress, visit the Arizona Department of Health Services Vaccine Data Dashboard.
See county release of 4-2-21 about COVID below…great job!!! Contrary to AZ Dept of Health Director Christ’s smear of FEMA last week, Coconino County and FEMA have worked well together to get shots in arms!
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