We are in day 120 of the legislature session – it is nominally supposed to last 100 days. The delay is due to disagreements over the budget. Remember to send your ideas on budget priorities to your representatives.
SB 1451 – SCR 1023 – HCR 2005 – OPPOSE STRONGLY – These bills & continuing resolutions would make it almost impossible to get ballot initiatives onto the ballot by making the petition process very complex and difficult. These measures would require 10% of signatures on a citizen’s initiative be collected from every single county in the state. This is NOT representative of population and is frankly a gimmick to handcuff the efforts of any future initiatives. EVEN WORSE! SB 1451 has been amended to allow the State Attorney General to write ballot initiative descriptions that appear on the ballot! This could and probably would be used to sway public opinion for or against a specific initiative at the last minute without any opportunity to challenge what is written!
SB 1485 – SUPPORT – This bill would end the 20% annual automatic growth of corporate private school tax credits (STO’s) by gradually decreasing the cap to 2% or inflation over the next 5 years. In this time, if passed, this bill would keep up to $263 million in the general fund that would otherwise be diverted to private schools!!
HB 2357 – SUPPORT – Reclassifying vaping as tobacco to help get it out of the hands of kids.
SB 1188 – OPPOSE STRONGLY!!!! – Drops non-regular voters from the permanent early voting list!!
SB 1349 – OPPOSE – Creates back door STO’s with a state tax break for K-12 private schools
HB 2617 – OPPOSE – Allows APS to get a dollar for dollar tax credit for all money spent to increase battery storage facilities!
Contact Our Legislators:
Sign the Save Our Schools Petition opposing Voucher Bills: