Trump/Russia Special Prosecutor

To have a special prosecutor, Congress must act. Today, John McCain had a Facebook Townhall during which he said, “only after public outcry was a 9/11 select committee established”. People think he may have ben signaling that we need to keep up the pressure. Thus, every day from now until a Special Prosecutor is appointed, […]

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Urgent Action: Arizona Riot Bill is Back

When is a rally a riot?  Whenever your opponents want it to be!!  Senate Bill 1142 was killed earlier this year, but has been resurrected and is making its way through the House.  It has already been passed by the Senate.  This bill would make “riot” a part of the organized crime statute and would […]

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Support Schumer’s Demand for Classified Briefing

This morning, Minority Senate Leader Chuck Schumer called for the Department of Justice to appoint a special prosecutor and called for an immediate closed-door briefing of all Senators by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein (who recommended Comey’s firing). WAPO This morning we learned that in the days immediately before FBI Director […]

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Demand Special Prosecutor To Investigate Comey Firing

All of the allegations that Trump and his Department of Justice made today against Comey are old news and thus reek of a cover-up. Join Senator Chuck Schumer in demanding that an independent Special Prosecutor investigate the reasons for Comey’s firing and the Russian interference in the 2016 Election. Call, send faxes, and send emails […]

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No Vote on Healthcare Bill Without CBO Scoring

Yet another new amendment to TrumpCare would allow $8 billion more to cover people with pre-existing conditions. No one knows if that’s enough. The bill still allows states to cut essential benefits that are now required under all insurance policies, thus hurting patients who need those benefits by either eliminating them or increasing their costs. […]

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Arizona Budget: Call for Teacher Raises

The Arizona Legislature will be voting on the budget this week and sending it to Governor Ducey to sign. It is critical that legislators know that increased teacher pay is a priority with their constituents. Teachers would like to see 4% pay increase and while they deserve a higher increase, if that is a realistic […]

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Enlist Your Friends to Save Affordable Care Act

“I would hope it gets changed over there,” Rep. Peter T. King (R-N.Y.) told Bloomberg News, echoing other “moderate” members who explicitly said they were willing to pass Trumpcare 3.0 in hopes that the Senate would strip out the harsher provisions. Provisions like pushing sick people into high-risk pools where the cost of their insurance […]

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Call, Write, Post: No to Trumpcare 3.0

TrumpCare 3.0 is likely to come to a vote early this week. The House Rules Committee will meet Monday and Republicans have spent the weekend rustling up votes. This morning, Trump went on Face The Nation and tweeted misleading info about coverage for pre-existing conditions under TrumpCare 3.0.  Yes, it would have “a pool for the pre-existing […]

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Direct from Indivisible: Correspondents Dinner Action

TAKE ACTION: Call the Media (Contact info below) The 2017 White House Correspondents Association dinner is this Saturday, April 29.  The group was founded in 1914 in order to preserve first amendment rights of a free press when it was rumored that President Woodrow Wilson was going to hand pick journalists he would permit to […]

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Contact AZ Elected Officials re Budget

Tell Governor Ducey:  no more tax cuts; no more prison beds; and no more stripping funds from local governments to pay for the state’s obligation to support public universities. No more penny-ante raises for our teachers. Instead, we need to support education every day, in every way, to everyone. Call the Governor: 602-542-4331 Send him a message: contact […]

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