Legislative Alerts for Week of January 20

Contact our Coconino County Legislators and use Request to Speak regarding these bills.

SB 1035 – SUPPORT – Bill allots $15Million to build a bridge over Tonto Creek – about 1500 people live on one side of the creek and all amenities and first responders live on the other side.  In the past, roads across the creek have been closed for as long as 75 days and people have died trying to cross in emergencies.

SB 1048 – SUPPORT – Establishes a system to investigate uncertified educators, both district and charter, and to ban them from being rehired for at least 5 years.

SB 1060 – SUPPORT – Allows school districts to request extra funding for special needs children.

SB 1061 – OPPOSE – Mandates a Parental Bill of Rights – puts these “rights” into statute and increases complexity and is considered unnecessary.

SCR 1003 – OPPOSE – Seeks to exempt from taxation the first $2 million of personal property used for a business.  Impact on the state tax revenue has not been established.  Just another tax break for business.

HB 2031 – OPPOSE – Allows schools and community colleges to appoint (assumed from their existing staff) school marshals – who would then be allowed to carry guns and make arrests. Schools are no place for gun, period!

HB 2084 – OPPOSE – Bans cities and counties from requiring permits to build Border Wall sections.  Border Walls built on state land are automatically granted permission according to this bill.

HB 2092 – OPPOSE – This bill would block individuals from giving private land to the Federal Government without express consent from the Legislature and the Governor!

HB 2104 – SUPPORT – Continues supplemental childcare assistance to parents seeking training to gain employment.

Election Integrity Bills:

SB1020 – Oppose – This Michelle Ugenti-Rita sponsored bill would require ballot measure voter pamphlets to include a kind of warning statement: that the choices they make can only be undone by 3/4 vote of the Legislature.  It might give voters pause as to whether to support or oppose a ballot question at all.  

SB1067 – Support – This Martin Quezada sponsored bill has to do with felonies and automatic restoration of voting rights. 

SB1092 – Oppose – This Michelle Ugenti-Rita sponsored bill relates to requiring additional early voting ID requirements.

SB1135 – Support – This Eddie Farnsworth sponsored bill involves election integrity, electronic adjudication/tracking, and manual audits.

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