Ballots Mailed for the Town of Tusayan, Tusayan Fire District and Williams Unified School District November 7 Special Election

Ballots for the November 7 Town of Tusayan, Tusayan Fire District and Williams Unified School District Special Election have been mailed to all registered voters residing within the boundaries of those jurisdictions.  This is a ballot-by-mail election so there will not be any polling places on Election Day. Tusayan Town and Fire District and Williams USD registered voters that […]

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Demand Congress Protect the Mueller Investigation

“The Trump political and legal strategy is about to get very radical.”1 While we have been celebrating the revelations from the Papadopoulos guilty plea and the hints of Mueller’s strategy contained in the Manafort/Gates indictment, Fox News listeners and Wall Street Journal readers have been hearing a very different perspective.  Trump apologists are calling for […]

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Page deserves more than tourism | Letters |

Replace jobs lost by closing the Navajo Generating Station with “tourism?” Really?  That’s the best solution Page’s consultant has come up with? How about jobs doing environmental cleanup from the damage caused by the plant and by uranium mining? How about replacing the coal plant with solar and wind generation? All of these options and more […]

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GOP Budget

Yesterday,  House Republicans narrowly passed a partisan budget resolution that will harm hardworking families in order to push through a massive tax giveaway for big corporations and the top 1%. Last week, their Senate colleagues voted for this resolution without any Democratic votes. This budget resolution is the first step toward enacting costly tax cuts […]

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Giant Wet Kiss to Wall Street

While the media were falling all over Jeff Flake for his harsh words toward Trump, Senate Republicans voted to reverse a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau rule that would have made it harder for large financial institutions to block class-action lawsuits from Americans who use credit cards, auto loans, student loans, and more. Flake and McCain, […]

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True patriots are informed voters | Letters |

To me, being a patriot of the United States of America is far deeper than rituals and symbols, however meaningful they may be to some. It is certainly more inclusive than the military. Demonstrating true patriotism, belief in the American style of democracy and ideals, is available to us all every day in every profession, […]

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GOP Tax Plan: Just Another Scam

Trump tapped two former Wall Street executives, Steven Mnuchin and Gary Cohn, to secretly craft a tax plan and force a partisan vote without the American people knowing how much they’ll be harmed. This plan was written by Wall Street, for Wall Street. Trump is blatantly lying about his tax plan that would overwhelmingly benefit […]

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Arizona Heads the Way of Kansas Thanks to Republican Corporate Tax Cuts

PHOENIX (AP) — The Arizona Legislature’s budget analysts on Thursday predicted a budget shortfall that could top $100 million in the current and coming year as the impact of corporate Source: Arizona Legislature’s budget analysts predict 2018 shortfall | State and Regional |

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Demand Action on Clean Power – from ADP

The facts speak for themselves:  Arizona would be one of the hardest hit states by the effects of climate change.  But if we invest in clean power, we could be one of the states to most benefit from solar and other renewables.  That’s why we need you to add your name right now as a supporter of the Clean Power Plan […]

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Sylvia Allen’s Charter School Gets F Rating in 2017 School Letter Grades Report

Phoenix­–The 2017Arizona school letter grades have been released and LD-6’s Senator Sylvia Allen’s charter school, the George Washington Academy, received an F grade. Senator Allen is the co-founder of the George Washington Academy, a kinder-6th grade school in Snowflake, Arizona, as well as the head of the Senate’s Education Committee. Senator Allen is also on […]

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